Central & Eastern European Interstitial
Lung Diseases Patient Network
Lung Diseases Patient Network
The CILDAPANET (Central European ILD patient network) network is open to all regional patient support groups and patient organizations for Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD).
CILDAPANET builds upon the success of a previous initiative: CIPFAPANET (Central European IPF all patients network) launched in 2015 and focused exclusively on Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.
The rising number of cases in ILD made it necessary to not only focus on Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, but also on the many other types of this disease. In many Central and Eastern European countries, ILD caused by complications after a COVID-19-infection are not diagnosed in time. They are also not met with the necessary information on medical, social and psychosocial support. This is why the Central & Eastern European ILD Patients Network was created.
Support groups or organizations in the network can cover all or some of progressing fibrosing diseases. Large or small, they can offer help and many advantages for patients, healthcare professionals and the public.
Aims of cildapanet
Promotes collaboration, networking and sharing best practice
Helps individual patients and organizations find others in their country and disease area
Raises awareness of patient organizations and their activities with the public, healthcare professionals, researchers and policy makers
Better access to care and treatment for ILD patients in CEE
Advocacy — Strengthen patient voice in policy discussions
International exchange of best practices amvong POs from CEE
Connecting medical experts, patient organizations, working with patients with ILDs and industry partners